Statistics history

14 records | 30 records | 60 records | 365 records

Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 History - 60 Records

Statistics last updated: 5/18/24 00:06:04 (UTC) [9 hour(s) ago]
Page of 43 | Records 1 to 60 - 2557 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
06/23/2013 0:002:22:49:32 2,821 3
06/22/2013 0:005:15:42:23 22,380 27
06/21/2013 0:121:00:07:07 404,279 479
06/20/2013 2:039:04:23:44 2,790,336 3,390
06/19/2013 4:225:06:33:08 6,142,987 7,465
06/18/2013 6:362:16:51:52 9,284,974 11,322
06/17/2013 11:358:15:48:43 16,137,074 19,805
06/16/2013 15:102:05:26:47 20,354,482 24,862
06/15/2013 24:171:03:55:51 32,852,681 39,974
06/14/2013 47:288:05:19:46 65,489,144 80,110
06/13/2013 76:347:22:13:48 105,801,605 130,638
06/12/2013 104:204:19:40:49 144,544,358 179,042
06/11/2013 130:036:23:34:38 180,606,365 223,338
06/10/2013 138:102:07:12:26 192,593,530 238,372
06/09/2013 90:029:02:46:41 124,427,665 154,796
06/08/2013 83:281:18:51:33 114,407,275 142,378
06/07/2013 98:051:10:25:46 133,723,763 169,051
06/06/2013 98:335:14:16:40 134,688,634 172,528
06/05/2013 88:097:15:17:25 119,490,696 152,723
06/04/2013 97:017:14:26:28 131,647,121 167,523
06/03/2013 113:167:23:01:01 154,981,066 196,963
06/02/2013 78:010:17:48:38 106,453,501 134,590
06/01/2013 73:254:05:47:15 100,491,098 126,018
05/31/2013 86:283:23:40:17 119,434,872 149,309
05/30/2013 84:265:14:41:09 117,012,941 145,296
05/29/2013 90:302:23:38:12 125,673,226 154,130
05/28/2013 103:141:10:23:43 143,158,039 175,010
05/27/2013 104:090:01:27:33 144,090,006 177,016
05/26/2013 77:164:17:53:59 106,398,303 132,844
05/25/2013 73:273:11:28:09 100,351,643 125,683
05/24/2013 86:319:22:00:30 118,771,667 149,224
05/23/2013 91:126:09:31:07 124,927,269 158,167
05/22/2013 87:060:16:35:02 119,346,279 152,121
05/21/2013 97:233:14:16:10 133,856,097 167,009
05/20/2013 99:064:01:16:52 136,477,771 169,939
05/19/2013 63:136:11:02:35 86,791,243 108,408
05/18/2013 66:086:08:35:14 90,820,009 114,019
05/17/2013 78:291:23:14:50 109,131,071 136,112
05/16/2013 78:068:00:10:31 107,852,075 134,280
05/15/2013 84:350:02:09:51 116,697,402 144,097
05/14/2013 96:173:10:12:17 132,288,925 164,179
05/13/2013 114:162:19:52:20 157,631,511 198,847
05/12/2013 83:300:06:03:26 114,996,768 144,123
05/11/2013 77:109:19:14:44 105,508,820 132,437
05/10/2013 96:322:15:30:04 133,203,199 167,115
05/09/2013 88:319:00:22:02 122,153,456 153,044
05/08/2013 88:102:14:50:30 120,197,130 151,420
05/07/2013 96:333:17:34:51 131,580,648 166,862
05/06/2013 104:124:22:20:40 143,530,300 182,037
05/05/2013 65:349:22:10:22 90,856,136 114,256
05/04/2013 55:081:12:06:45 75,481,673 93,537
05/03/2013 65:216:04:15:09 89,684,620 111,054
05/02/2013 93:237:17:08:21 128,232,259 159,845
05/01/2013 32:032:07:36:41 43,473,772 54,412
04/30/2013 74:115:14:28:12 101,229,411 126,733
04/29/2013 83:265:10:44:52 114,377,561 143,127
04/28/2013 53:260:02:13:02 73,065,963 91,749
04/27/2013 53:187:14:56:11 72,628,088 91,087
04/26/2013 63:237:18:15:19 86,841,973 109,680
04/25/2013 64:096:22:06:13 88,414,851 111,003

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