By Member

Member statistics
Statistics last updated: 9/6/24 12:06:04 (UTC) [0 hour(s) ago]
Total run time All-time Yesterday
  Points generated All-time Yesterday
  Results returned All-time Yesterday

Multiple member comparison
Average points per hour of run time
Page of 500 | Records 1 to 10 - 5000 total  | records per page
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Username: Average points per hour of run time:
  Freewill 10,112.83
  Rainboinc Dash 3,602.20
  Anonymous 3,008.48
  bozz4science 2,857.40
  nenym 2,790.55
  hajaumea 2,669.35

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Page of 500 | Records 1 to 10 - 5000 total  | records per page

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