The last results from the latest round of work on Phase 2 have been sent to the research team.
FightAIDS@Home joined World Community Grid many years ago to identify new and better treatments for AIDS.
Phase 1 conducted more than 20 billion drug-target comparisons using two software programs (AutoDock and Vina) which were created by scientists at Scripps Research who ran this portion of FightAIDS@Home.
Phase 2 of the project, which is led by researchers at Temple University, used a different simulation method to double-check and further refine the virtual screening results that were generated in Phase 1. This different method is called BEDAM (Binding Energy Distribution Analysis Method).
Status of work units
All completed work units have been sent to the Phase 2 team at Temple University for analysis.
Future Direction
The researchers for both phases are discussing exactly what they want to do together in the future. Specifically, they're exploring what new approaches and technologies (if any) may help streamline their work.
We'll let everyone know once the researchers have made their decisions.
AutoDock Suite at 30 Years
The Phase 1 scientists recently published an invited paper for the journal Protein Science about the AutoDock program, which they created 30 years ago at Scripps Research. You can read more about the history of AutoDock (which has powered several World Community Grid projects) in this recent article, which includes a link to the paper itself.
AutoDock on GPU
The Phase 1 team also recently completed a paper about the GPU version of AutoDock, which they submitted to a journal for review a couple of weeks ago. (The GPU version of AutoDock for use on World Community Grid is currently undergoing a security review at IBM.)
Current status of project
Paused pending new direction from research team
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