How often do research projects provide updates for volunteers?
Active projects: We ask the research team for each project to provide at least two formal updates per year. We also try to provide short monthly updates in the forum thread for each project.
Completed projects: We provide updates when completed projects publish papers, start or finish major experiments, or have other big news.
Why hasn't my favorite project provided an update recently?
Active projects: Check your favorite project’s forum. If there has not been a formal update in over six months or a short monthly update in a couple of months, then post a question in the forum.
Completed projects: Your favorite completed project probably doesn’t have any news to report at this time. Keep an eye on the forum for the project.
How are project updates created?
We work closely with each research team to create project updates. Since the scientists are detail-oriented and want to provide good updates for the volunteers, they often take a few weeks to create just the first draft of updates.
World Community Grid generally adds any explanation or background to the updates to make them easier for the general public to understand, which can take additional time. Also, we often work with the scientists to create graphics, videos, presentations, or to find photos for the updates.