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Is there an API to get a list of in-progress and recently returned results for a member?
Yes. The URL for the API to access a members results is:{member name}/results?code={verification code}
member name is the member name of the member whose results data you wish to access
verification code is found on the My Profile page of the member whose results data you wish to access
The default format is JSON.
You must set your data sharing preferences to "Display my data" for this API to return data for your account.
Optional parameters are (can be combined):
- limit: Defines the number of results returned. Default is 25. Max is 250.
- offset: Defines how many results are skipped before the API returns any data. Default is 0.
- sortBy: Defines the sorting order of the results. Options are: DeviceId, SentTime, ReportDeadline, ReceivedTime or CpuTime. Default is SentTime.
- format: The format of the data. Options are XML or JSON. Default is JSON.
- modTime: Return results which were last modified on or after this time. This value is a Unixtimestamp (number of seconds since midnight Jan 1 1970).
- serverState: Return results based on whether they are currently in progress or have already been reported back to World Community Grid. 4 would return in-progress results, 5 would return results which have already been reported back to the server.
- outcome: Return results based on the outcome of their processing. 1 means success, 3 means error, 4 means no reply, 6 means validation error, 7 means abandoned./
- validateState: Return results based on the validation status. 0 means pending validation, 1 means valid, 2 means invalid, 4 means pending verification, 5 means results failed to validate within given deadline.
- fileDeleteState: Return results based on their file delete state. 0 means not deleted. 1 means ready to delete. 2 means deleted.
What is the Verification Code and what is it used for?
The Verification Code is a private, personal code that you can use to verify your team membership and team stats. There are teams that provide incentives and/or rewards to members for being a part of their team. World Community Grid is providing the Verification Code as a way for these teams to verify their members' statistics and team membership without requiring members to give the team their password.
Note that your Verification Code will change if you change your member name and/or password. If your team is relying on your verification code to verify your membership and statistics, be sure they have your current Verification Code.
To verify the team membership and statistics for a member, use the API:
You must set your data sharing preferences to "Display my data" for this API to return data for your account.
You will get a response in XML containing the membership information for that member. If there is an error, it will be reported back in the XML response.