Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Guyane - Kourou - TEAM
Statistics last updated: 9/18/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [0 hour(s) ago]
Page of 11 | Records 1 to 30 - 305 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
09/18/2024 0:017:21:53:02 97,009 185
09/17/2024 0:017:23:06:36 82,677 159
09/16/2024 0:024:20:01:37 110,590 206
09/15/2024 0:021:15:30:23 100,576 190
09/14/2024 0:014:04:09:05 69,599 132
09/13/2024 0:014:15:12:35 72,822 133
09/12/2024 0:017:17:43:21 90,800 173
09/11/2024 0:015:11:29:36 85,535 160
09/10/2024 0:023:16:04:19 101,478 191
09/09/2024 0:021:23:18:50 107,930 202
09/08/2024 0:018:20:31:02 115,525 220
09/07/2024 0:025:15:08:10 112,423 216
09/06/2024 0:022:03:20:12 112,286 217
09/05/2024 0:020:11:29:31 102,671 193
09/04/2024 0:020:14:18:11 80,566 153
09/03/2024 0:014:00:38:20 73,242 147
09/02/2024 0:015:14:33:52 76,392 162
09/01/2024 0:013:01:35:01 52,087 106
08/31/2024 0:016:08:45:59 60,156 122
08/30/2024 0:015:06:16:59 85,680 170
08/29/2024 0:021:04:34:48 85,019 167
08/28/2024 0:016:04:38:20 77,760 148
08/27/2024 0:021:07:49:36 101,268 194
08/26/2024 0:017:08:32:21 95,669 185
08/25/2024 0:015:05:25:25 73,337 144
08/24/2024 0:016:10:29:08 69,869 133
08/23/2024 0:017:04:26:49 95,725 185
08/22/2024 0:012:23:35:09 74,139 143
08/21/2024 0:015:17:55:34 97,346 196
08/20/2024 0:020:07:35:15 70,991 135

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