Team statistics history

Team statistics history - UNISC
Statistics last updated: 9/28/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [2 hour(s) ago]
Page of 5 | Records 1 to 30 - 147 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
05/22/2011 0:000:20:55:46 2,127 6
05/21/2011 0:001:01:37:48 3,048 7
05/20/2011 0:003:21:55:26 10,863 17
05/19/2011 0:003:01:49:48 11,121 21
05/18/2011 0:002:22:36:53 8,942 16
05/17/2011 0:005:04:45:19 16,710 32
05/16/2011 0:005:20:36:04 15,916 32
05/15/2011 0:002:17:51:30 8,465 13
05/14/2011 0:002:17:38:35 8,830 18
05/13/2011 0:005:15:23:14 15,428 32
05/12/2011 0:005:21:47:47 17,599 27
05/11/2011 0:005:07:11:43 14,811 26
05/10/2011 0:005:00:20:30 13,689 26
05/09/2011 0:007:04:54:11 21,592 37
05/08/2011 0:000:21:31:33 2,369 6
05/07/2011 0:004:11:04:28 10,925 24
05/06/2011 0:008:00:33:24 23,220 44
05/05/2011 0:007:23:09:13 20,592 48
05/04/2011 0:004:19:50:33 14,993 32
05/03/2011 0:008:09:27:10 24,759 46
05/02/2011 0:007:00:11:34 19,738 39
05/01/2011 0:001:19:04:24 5,794 16
04/30/2011 0:002:19:38:05 8,767 17
04/29/2011 0:007:15:49:05 21,120 40
04/28/2011 0:004:10:35:22 12,941 27
04/27/2011 0:004:11:59:07 12,624 23
04/26/2011 0:004:03:10:53 10,639 23
04/25/2011 0:003:16:25:27 11,913 23
04/24/2011 0:000:10:57:31 1,286 3
04/23/2011 0:000:10:41:20 1,356 2

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