Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Integrative Discovery Team
Statistics last updated: 2/19/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [23 hour(s) ago]
Page of 142 | Records 1 to 30 - 4253 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
02/19/2025 0:035:05:18:35 140,704 264
02/18/2025 0:035:14:51:19 146,190 274
02/17/2025 0:014:04:39:26 60,774 113
02/16/2025 0:012:03:03:04 50,476 97
02/15/2025 0:038:12:42:25 159,147 305
02/14/2025 0:037:22:53:17 155,190 298
02/13/2025 0:043:11:40:26 183,663 340
02/12/2025 0:028:02:43:30 130,017 248
02/11/2025 0:035:20:39:53 156,116 292
02/10/2025 0:042:18:31:00 174,804 322
02/09/2025 0:034:07:41:42 143,229 255
02/08/2025 0:047:07:22:38 189,288 356
02/07/2025 0:044:22:50:21 185,100 344
02/06/2025 0:039:03:33:13 167,263 299
02/05/2025 0:036:13:40:43 161,479 294
02/04/2025 0:040:17:41:07 182,963 331
02/03/2025 0:043:04:50:27 189,317 344
02/02/2025 0:046:21:20:10 208,731 385
02/01/2025 0:020:13:33:43 88,386 164
01/31/2025 0:050:03:40:27 228,787 411
01/30/2025 0:035:00:28:35 153,887 286
01/29/2025 0:036:03:27:55 160,169 299
01/28/2025 0:036:22:04:48 167,815 297
01/27/2025 0:034:17:10:59 158,876 296
01/26/2025 0:040:19:52:45 188,224 345
01/25/2025 0:031:15:01:14 147,560 261
01/24/2025 0:045:00:13:35 198,345 362
01/23/2025 0:037:06:12:37 170,048 310
01/22/2025 0:033:18:04:03 149,615 280
01/21/2025 0:033:21:25:37 156,181 289

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