Team statistics history

Team statistics history - FPS Clan Crunching Team
Statistics last updated: 9/28/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [2 hour(s) ago]
Page of 1 | Records 1 to 22 - 22 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
01/03/2011 0:003:14:15:26 10,688 16
01/02/2011 0:002:11:55:00 7,300 14
01/01/2011 0:003:03:27:33 9,528 12
12/31/2010 0:005:08:10:09 16,184 27
12/30/2010 0:005:12:12:41 16,258 23
12/29/2010 0:007:05:55:56 22,131 36
12/28/2010 0:006:17:44:13 20,750 33
12/27/2010 0:009:08:04:36 29,385 41
12/26/2010 0:007:05:21:05 22,054 33
12/25/2010 0:006:02:22:56 18,879 27
12/24/2010 0:006:17:31:00 22,624 30
12/23/2010 0:011:16:57:58 38,383 63
12/22/2010 0:013:18:33:07 47,471 79
12/21/2010 0:021:06:33:23 75,044 110
12/20/2010 0:019:18:03:04 59,204 90
12/19/2010 0:025:10:31:32 89,556 137
12/18/2010 0:027:02:20:26 97,429 140
12/17/2010 0:026:05:04:01 90,305 146
12/16/2010 0:024:23:02:24 87,550 138
12/15/2010 0:026:00:53:12 86,569 125
12/14/2010 0:017:15:52:00 58,186 81
12/13/2010 0:032:11:46:29 114,475 160

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