Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Team Longwood
Statistics last updated: 9/17/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [24 hour(s) ago]
Page of 1 | Records 1 to 20 - 20 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
07/06/2024 0:000:16:11:09 3,176 6
07/05/2024 0:000:21:47:17 4,247 8
07/04/2024 0:003:20:56:01 18,277 34
07/03/2024 0:000:08:13:06 1,597 3
07/02/2024 0:000:18:12:50 3,671 7
07/01/2024 0:000:21:30:40 4,223 8
06/30/2024 0:003:04:01:24 14,775 28
06/29/2024 0:005:05:23:18 24,201 46
06/28/2024 0:007:10:19:53 35,071 66
06/27/2024 0:031:03:21:27 145,671 281
06/26/2024 0:049:09:59:16 232,568 436
06/25/2024 0:037:00:13:39 171,957 328
06/24/2024 0:037:12:27:06 177,739 333
06/23/2024 0:048:23:44:34 230,913 435
06/22/2024 0:030:14:02:45 145,030 273
06/21/2024 0:029:12:07:47 139,895 262
06/20/2024 0:045:16:09:45 221,035 409
06/19/2024 0:035:07:19:33 180,470 330
06/18/2024 0:019:05:05:37 94,933 170
06/17/2024 0:029:15:47:39 136,667 261

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